Since Chromebooks lack a trash folder, any deleted files are permanently lost. How to delete files from a Chromebook is shown below.
Finding and deleting unwanted files can seem like a chore when you’re unfamiliar with the Chromebook system. However, it’s fairly simple to use once you get the hang of the interface.
Before you delete anything, however, be aware that Chromebooks do not have a trash can or another place where deleted files can be retrieved from — so you’ll have to make sure you really don’t need the file before selecting the “Delete” option.
How to Delete Files on a Chromebook
It should be noted that Chrome OS permanently deletes files when you remove them from a Chromebook. Since Chrome OS lacks a trash or recycle bin folder, deleted files cannot be recovered.
Open the Files app on your Chromebook. Navigate to the folder containing the file(s) you want to delete under My Files. Click to select the file, or press and hold Ctrl to select multiple files by clicking on them one at a time.
Once selected, either hit Alt + Backspace or right-click and Delete. The file(s) will be erased for good.
- To view all of your apps, click the up-carrot after clicking the dot in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Select “Files.”
- Either use the left sidebar or the search bar in the top-right corner of the window to locate the file you wish to delete.
- Right-click the file you want to delete and select “Delete.”
- Confirm your decision by selecting “Delete” again.

Why Can’t I Delete Files from the Recent, Audio, Images, Or Videos Folders?
The above method only applies to files present under the My Files tab. The files can be removed from these locations, which are where they actually are. Nevertheless, in the library’s file cabinets, i.e., Recent, Audio, Images, or Videos, you will not get the delete option at all. You might be perplexed by this and wonder why you can’t delete images from a Chromebook.
Compared to other operating systems like Windows, Chrome OS treats library folders a little differently. The Recent, Audio, Images, or Videos folder doesn’t show you files, but instead shortcuts to files located under the My Files tab. The library folders cannot be used to directly delete them because of this. Rather, you have to find the files in their actual location under My Files and delete them from there.
How to Delete a File on Chromebook Via Files?
The Chromebook’s native Files file manager app is one of the simplest ways to delete any file, including audio, image, video, and documents. On a Chromebook, you can delete any file using a third-party app like File Manager, but the Files app also functions perfectly well.
Step 1: Open the Files app on your Chromebook.
Step 2: Click on Camera under My files. Then select the file you want to delete and click on the Trash Can icon from the options on the window’s top-right.
Step 3: Confirm your choice by selecting the Delete button on the prompt.
How to Delete Multiple Files on Chromebook?
You can also delete multiple files by highlighting them using the mouse or Shift + Arrow keys.
If touch is supported by your Chromebook, you can long-press on a single file until you see a checkmark to the left of the file name and then single-tap all the other options.
Then click on the Trash Can icon from the options on the top-right and select Delete on the confirmation prompt.
How to Delete Play Store App Files?
You can still view any file you’ve created or saved in an app on a Chromebook even though the files app doesn’t display all the files produced by Play Store apps. These files can also be deleted, just like any other file on Chrome.
Step 1: Click on Play files under My files. Then select the file you want to delete and click on the Trash Can icon from the options on the window’s top-right.
Step 2: Confirm your choice by selecting the Delete button on the prompt.
People can make more room on their laptops by deleting files on a Chromebook, which is a fairly simple process. In this article, two techniques are covered: using the mouse or a keyboard shortcut to delete files on a Chromebook. It’s important to be aware that the recent folder’s pictures and documents cannot be deleted because they are Chromebook’s read-only files. If you want to delete them, find the files’ actual location and delete them there.
Where is the Delete Button on the Chromebook?
No delete button can be found on Chromebooks. To use the Delete function on a Chromebook, you can hit Alt + Backspace instead.
Why Can’t I Delete Images on a Chromebook?
You can’t delete images on a Chromebook if you’re accessing them from the Images library folder. To delete these files, locate them under My Files in the Files app. The same goes for files in the Recent, Audio, and Videos folders.
How to Delete Files on Chromebook Using the Keyboard Shortcut?
The easiest way to delete files on Chromebook is using the keyboard shortcut: ALT + Backspace key.
To delete a file, simply locate it, choose it, and then press the appropriate keyboard shortcut.
How to Delete Apps on Chromebook
- Select the Launcher from the screen’s corner.
- If you want to uninstall an app, right-click it.
- Choose Remove or Uninstall from Chrome.
- Select Uninstall.
How to Delete Recent Files on Chromebook
Since Chromebooks lack a trash folder, any deleted files are permanently lost. Here’s how to delete files from a Chromebook. On a Chromebook, locate the files you want to delete under My Files in the Files app. Then, you can choose the file(s) you want to delete, press Alt + Backspace, or select Delete with a right-click
How to Delete Images on Chromebook Files
On a Chromebook, select the image you want to remove from existence before performing a right-click. You’ll be given the option to remove the image from a menu that appears. Click on the “Delete” button to delete the image from Chromebook.